Library Rules

1.Observe SILENCE
2. Playing and eating are not allowed inside
3. Keep the library clean
4. Return books and other materials on its proper place
5. Walks slowly all the time
6. Leave your bags outside

Pupils must have a library card
Grade I to III is allowed to borrow one (1) book only while Grade IV to VI is allowed at least two (2) books
Pupils is given at least 2 day to 3 days to return the books on its due date.
On the reserved section books,pupils is allowed to borrow one (1) book and its only overnight
Teachers and Pupils who have free time is allowed to access the internet
Surfing the indecent sites are prohibited
Games are not allowed
Each pupils is given 30 to 45 minutes on searching their assignments
Pupils must log in to the logbook


1. Libis Elementary School E-Library recognizes the need of its students, teachers and employees to have access to the Internet while on the job, using school computers. As such, LES has made the decision to make the Internet available to all students, teachers and employees for LES academic purposes.

2. Libis Elementary School E-Library intends for the Internet to be accessed for academic purposes and expects that students, teachers and employees will spend no more than 5 minutes per day accessing the Internet for non-academic purposes.

3. Libis Elementary School E-Library specifically prohibits its students, teachers, employees from accessing the following types of sites using school computers:

a. Gaming sites
b. Social networking sites
c. Peer to Peer sites
d. Proxy sites
e. Gambling sites
f. Auction sites
g. Hate sites
h. Pornographic sites
i. Any site engaging in or encouraging illegal activity

4. The school reserves the right to use monitoring software to make sure the school’s AUP is being adhered to by its students, teachers and employees. The school may record and/or monitor one or more students, teachers and employees’ computer and Internet activity for any reason and without any specific notice.

5. By reading and using e-library:
a. You agree that you have had the opportunity to review this agreement and ask any questions regarding this document.
b. You agree to adhere to the school’s AUP.
c. You agree that you will be subject to disciplinary measures, including possible suspension/ termination, if you violate the AUP.