About the E-Library

Libis Elementary School e-Library aims to help and develop a well-informed reading society thru technology developed system that may contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of the pupils.

Libis Elementary School e-Library will be treansformed into an ICT and systematic learning center where pupils will be developed and trained to become dynamic, and computer literate, progressive and responsive to the demand of technological and advance society, united in their common aspirations of achieving richer and fuller lives in the service of GOD and country.

Year of Establishment of E-library: 2005

No. of Books: 1,500 FROM THE GOVT. / 2,000 DONATIONS

No. of Computers Available to the Public:  5 COMPUTERS WORKING
Operating System installed: Windows XP SERVICE PACK 3
Applications installed: MS OFFICE 2007, Mozilla Firefox/ Safari, Avast Antivirus Free Version
Library System in each branch: INFOLIB
Online collection: ENCARTA
Periodical services: Time, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, National Geographic, Star Publications
                                  Indexing services
                                 Free internet, word processing, printing and CD/DVD-burning

Reading advocacy campaigns: I LOVE2READ, READING MARATHON

Creative arts group, Book Lovers Club (interpretative dancing, theater arts, poster making)
Computer classes(daily classes, from grade 3-6 pupils) kinder to grade 2 library lecture and film

School Population
886 pupils, 24 teachers, 10 non teaching

E-librarian: RYAN REYES

Principal: THELMA T. CO

Libis Elem. School, Bonny Serrano Rd. Libis, QC

Email: libis_es@yahoo.com